Top Facts About Jayrod

Hey there, my name is Jared, extremely infrequently called Jayrod. Here are some facts about me-

• I'm 15 years old, in ninth grade.

• I talk in different voices depending on my mood. Sometimes I even slip into a British accent without realizing...

• I can sing "Jingle Bells" in a really deep voice...

• Occasionally I seem to be possessed by Satan.

• I love to read, especially fantasy.

• I play a fair amount of video games, my favorites are probably The Elder Scrolls games.

• I love math and art, especially ceramics.

• I am silent and mature with people a don't know well, but I am rather quite* crazy with my friends!

• I'm a pretty big nerd, attempting to learn Gallifreyan.

• I am extremely organized.

• My motto would be, "Believe to Achieve"

• My look on life is to always be happy.

*I meant to say "rather quite", it's my fave phrase.

This says, "My name is Jared," in Gallifreyan. I think... It's invented by a fan, so it's not exact, but still...

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