Friday, June 27, 2014

Absocookielicious Ambrosia/Nectar

Hayo! So, I was a bit bored 20 minutes ago, and craving something sweet, so I decided to make cookies! Or rather, ignore the baking step and chow down on the dough. As I was on my final step, the mixing, I was reading some of my friends' blogs, and decided to write a little short something.

Anyways, these cookies are a favorite of everyone in my family (luckily my sister's moved away and my parents are out of town, I might need to hide the dough from my brother though...) and we prefer them in two main ways. Obviously, the plain cookies fresh out of the oven are delicious, but what we feel makes them better is to 1. not bake them, the dough is heavenly like nectar, and 2. freeze them awhile. Freezing them gives you a fairly flat, big, chilled, absocookielicious ambrosia.

Finally, I present to you, Chocolate Cake Mix Cookies! Or the dough...

The name is definitely nothing special, and neither are these cookies (I mean simple, they are still delicious). All that you need to do is gather the five ingredients and mix away! The ingredients are as follows-

• 1 box of Chocolate Fudge cake mix. (Other chocolate flavors are available, but no guarantee on the flavor.)
• 2 eggs
• 1/3 cup brown sugar
• 1/2 cup melted butter
• 1 teaspoon vanilla

Once you acquire said resources, plop 'em in a mixer and mix, mix, mix away!

In early elementary school, my sister and I though of a great April Fools' Day joke. It's a bit disgusting, but hey, we were young. Basically, this dough, especially when chilled a bit, looks a tad like poo... Because of this, she and I thought it would be funny to use in a "prank." (Note- neither of us has actually pranked someone before, so we don't have any experience) Back in elementary school, when you would wait outside before school started and the teacher let the kids in, we thought you could take this dough in a little baggy, and just before going into school, stick a bit on your shoe (sanitize said shoe and avoid touching the dough to the ground, of course). When you entered the classroom, show the teacher, as they're wondering what to do, peel some off and eat it. I'd assume that their reaction would be quite hilarious, and then you can tell them the truth. Or don't, but that might gross people out...

This was a nice little post, maybe I'll do one again sometime. Byah!

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