Thursday, May 15, 2014

On Dreams and Their Adventures

Dreams are amazing. They’re wonderful. They are every magical or awesome word you can think of, all combined into a single thing. Now, I understand that not all dreams are wonderful (I’m looking at you, nightmares…), but most dreams are. At least, most of the dreams I can remember. 

I can’t imagine a world without dreams. They are the things that make me want to go to sleep, even if I’m not tired. They let me retreat from this world and its bores, and go somewhere that I love. Of course, most of the time, my dreams still take place in this realm, but I digress. There is always that one thing (At least) that makes them different than reality. Whether I’m living a different life, I gain some magical power, or I’m just living my ordinary life, but doing things that I don’t usually do, such as, you know, doing stuff with friends.

I have had nightmares, such as Batman chasing me through a cemetery on a flaming horse (Don’t ask), but you always wake up. In fact, most of my “nightmares” these days mainly consist of weirdness. Like, eating ice cream on the curb with my aunt and then all of the sudden it zooms out to show the world imploding. I’m rarely even scared after my “nightmares” these days.

So, I don’t worry about nightmares or anything when I sleep. I just know that there is a chance that I will have the best dream in the entire world. I had a pretty amazing dream last night, in fact, full of laughs, enjoyment, and happiness.

My dreams range from: awesome dreams like last night; odd dreams, where the entire world is different, whether a different color scheme, or even composed entirely of doodles (those are fun); the rare weird “nightmare”; or dreams where I tell the future. I don’t know if that’s a common thing, telling the future. Where you dream of something and then a while later it actually happens, and you can predict what people are going to say. I’ve gotten a fair bit of odd reactions due to those. When I asked my sister what they were called when I was really young, she told me they were called Déjà Vu, which, according to people now, isn’t true. :P

I had a pretty awesome dream a while ago where a few friends and I were in some other place. I’m not entirely sure where, but I know that it was not a very developed place. Probably in a periphery region somewhere beneath 35º north latitude… (That’s the rule, right?) We were all normal at first, and some ninja guy in purple leopard tights with a sword came up and kidnapped one of us, taking them hostage. We were all like, “Noooooo!” and he was all like, “Whatcha gon’ do?” What did we do? Well, actually, I got mad at him, and then sprinted at him and turned into a tiger. It was pretty awesome. After he ran away, leaving my friend behind, some big purple birds attacked us and we all shape-shifted into dragons and scared them off. Best. But. Weirdest. Dream. Ever.

Even though I love fantasy dreams a lot, I might prefer the dreams that are soooo close to normal life that they might actually be predictions of the future. Maybe they are, but I won’t know until they come true… 

I really want to learn how to lucid dream, which is where you realize that you are dreaming and can then take control of the dream and do pretty much whatever you want. I think that would be a really cool skill to have. Maybe someday…

Well, if you don’t mind, I am done rambling on about dreams for a while, and I am going to go sleep. Maybe I’ll have an awesome dream…

And by the way, this is the last assignment blog post for the year, so while I might never post again, there is a probability that if I ever have something awesome, I’ll post again. I might even create a new blog, if I don’t feel that it is a waste of time. If I do, I’ll post a link on here. Byah!

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