Friday, May 2, 2014

Some stuff has happened.

Hey y’all! So… some stuff has happened. Not very interesting stuff, mind you, but stuff nonetheless.

#1 - I saw Divergent. 4 days after it came out. And I still haven’t written about it.
#2 - My sister moved out yesterday.
#3 - I did some clay…
#4 - The ten year anniversary of Mean Girls.
#5 - I saw the first episode of Supernatural.

So, in more detail -

#1 - I saw Divergent. Four days after it came out. And I still haven’t written about it.

I don’t really want to spoil much for those of you (hopefully a few) that haven’t seen it or read the books, so this will not be too in-depth (And might not be entirely true, don’t quote me on this). I believe that after a catastrophic event, the population of the world was a bit haywire. They all went into a city and in order to keep the peace, they split up the population into 5 factions. Abnegation (selfless), Erudite (smart), Dauntless (brave), Amity (peaceful), and Candor (honest). With a test, they can give recommendations for where people should go. However, there are some people that don’t conform to a single faction, but multiple. That makes them Divergent. The main character is a Divergent. Divergents are also hated and feared by the world because they don’t conform to norms, and they can’t be controlled as easily. Basically, as happens in all dystopian scenarios, someone tries to take too much power, but the hero takes them on for the good of the people. 

Image courtesy of
I want to read the books, and since I got some goody gift cards from Sarah, hopefully I’ll be able to make it to Barnes and Noble and get at least the first one.

#2 - My sister moved out yesterday.

My sister, 21 years old, just finished her third and final year (she got a whole year and some extra time off because of AP classes) of college, and wasted no time in moving out. She actually moved out to my grandparents extra house that they’re renting out to her. And it just so happens to be right next door to them, so she isn’t exactly “on her own.” She, my mom, and my brother all left to California yesterday, so I’ve almost got the house to my own.

#3 - I did some clay…

Obviously this was one of them, I mean, I have Ceramics in school, so I kind of do it every other day. In the last while, I have made a few things. I finally finished the slab mug project, but it’s in the display case at school so I didn’t get a picture of it. Same with the Mimbres project, which I think ended up pretty cool. And I had some extra time a while ago and made a bowl on the wheel, which actually ended up matching my mug. And I got back the first bowl I ever made on the wheel. Yay!

I tried separating the blue and red glazes a little bit so that they didn’t overlap, but they did anyways. Frowny face.
#4 - The ten year anniversary of Mean Girls.

I’m not sure why I put this on here, because I haven’t seen this movie in ages upon ages, but hey! Why not?

Sadly, I don't have any pink clothes. Image courtesy of
#5 - I saw the first episode of Supernatural.

My friend Jack has been telling me to watch this for the past week or so, and I never really found the time. However, last night I decided to start it. I only watched the first episode, and I can say… I don’t like it. Maybe it’s just not my thing. It’s a bit scary. Of course, I think the Weeping Angels are the scariest things that have ever existed in the history of the omniverse (Maybe a tiny over exaggeration), but I still love Doctor Who…

I still didn’t really like it. It isn’t magic-y or awesome enough to be considered one of my favorites. But ehh… maybe I’ll watch it again and love it.

Speaking of TV, I also watched Starstruck a few days ago. For the tenth time. Or more. I don’t know why, but I really like that movie. Personally, I think it conveys a great message of how the media can exaggerate or even make up stories to benefit themselves. Called yellow journalism (Thanks English SAGE Test).

This was just a little update on some of the stuff that happened to me in the past while. I still need to get the Drivers Handbook so that I can take my test and get my permit. Ehh… I’ll do it later. Dubai

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