Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What Have I Created?

Today, I decided to be reminiscent of my elementary school life. One main thing is Switcheroo Zoo. A fun little online program, Switcheroo Zoo allows you to take animals and mix them with other ones. So… you can take a dog and give it a cheetah head. It has loads of animals, and it even tells you some information about them.

This was a project in 5th grade, where you and a partner (In my case, Sienna), would make an animal through this project, and then give it a story. You would talk about its adaptations some, and even make another animal in the Zoo that would be the predator. Sienna and I were quite creative with this project.

You see, when choosing body parts, you can choose from the main animals (elephant, monkey, pig, rhino, zebra, bear, bison, cheetah, and dog) or you can choose from a variety of other, miscellaneous animals, like special birds or reptiles, etcetera. When you choose one of the main animals for the body part, it gives you a cool animation to morph from part to part. In these animations it would do strange things like show another animal or being really static-y. Believe me, they got weird. After the morph, you were allowed to rewind back into the animation, so that you could have those really weird parts. However, I do not believe that this is possible anymore, as the arrows are blank and don’t do anything. Sad face :(

Sienna and I started with a polar bear, and through some odd morph and pause jam, we made the polar bear have polar bear heads for feet. It was amazing. For the story part of this strange animal, we said that they were blind, and ate dirt through their “feet.” When their predator, a giant bird with random body parts, appeared in the sky above them, they would dig a hole (by eating the dirt) and hide in it. Pure amazingness, right?

Anyways, I decided to try Switcheroo Zoo again, right now. Here are a few of my lovely creations. Hopefully they don’t haunt your dreams. (Or… do I want them to? Dun dun duuuuuuuuun)

This is a Pelegale (Peh-lay-gah-lay)
This is a Wamamaw
This is a Keupeu (Koo-pooh)
This is a Floomena

You can tell I got less interested in the naming process as time went on... I think the Pelegale and Wamamaw are tied for first place in the creepy pageant... I especially like their heads, but the Pelegale's body does add to the "personality."

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