Friday, October 11, 2013

Doctor Who?

If you watch and like this TV show your relationship with me just got better. If you have seen this TV show then your relationship with me is pretty much the same. If you have never seen this TV show then your relationship with me is just a tiny, tiny bit worse. If you have seen this TV show but didn’t like it, I have nothing more to say to you. I am of course talking about Doctor Who.

Photo courtesy of this site.
If you don’t watch it you should start. I mean you should watch it everyday, until you’ve seen every episode. Once again, Netflix is very good at making this an option. I know that I personally have seen every single episode, twice each. There are about 90 of them I believe, and they are all hour long episodes with commercials, maybe 40 minutes without them.

For those of you who don’t know what Doctor Who is, it’s about a time traveling alien, more specifically a “Time Lord”. He looks just like a human, but he lives forever, and if he is injured he can regenerate that part of his body, the entire thing if necessary. Because of this, you may hear about there being a ninth Doctor, or an eleventh Doctor. They’re the same person, they just look different.

All of the Doctor's. Photo courtesy of this site.
And the new Doctor, who hasn't been in any episodes yet. Photo courtesy of this site.
This movie is a bit like Avatar: The Last Airbender in the sense that, well, he is the last time lord. He also has the last TARDIS. TARDIS stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space. They can usually change into anything from the era that they are in, but in the Doctor’s case, his broke, so it’s stuck as a blue phone box. If you go to my school, it’s the log in screen’s background. That was the cause of my massive smile when we got our laptops and I saw that.

The TARDIS, courtesy of this site.
Another awesome thing about the TARDIS, it’s bigger on the inside. It’s a bit of a tradition that each time that the Doctor gets a new companion they walk into what looks like a tiny blue phone box, see that it is in fact massive inside (The Doctor talks about there being a library, pool, and many other miscellaneous rooms over the episodes). They then proceed to walk back outside, walk around the phone box, look in, look out, and look in, before saying, “It’s bigger on the inside,” or “It’s smaller on the outside,” in one special case.

Anyways, the Doctor travels around in his small/big blue phone box, and saves planets, universes, species, and just about everything else. You may hear about Daleks, Cybermen, Silurians, the Silence, Weeping Angels, and many other weird names. These are some of the aliens present in Doctor Who.

Weeping Angel. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.
The Silence. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.
Long story short, you should watch Doctor Who. Why? Because it is awesome. Dinosaurs in a spaceship awesome to freakishly scary statues of crying angels that are still when you look at them, but teleport when you don’t. Extremely creepy Red Light Green Light if you ask me.

Weeping Angels, as they are known, are some of the oldest beings in the Whoniverse (Doctor Who + Universe, fandom portmanteau for you). They feed by sending things back in time, absorbing the time energy left behind. They are actually extremely fast, but when you look at them they stop moving and develop a weird stone skin. Also, as statues they commonly hold their head in their hands, as if crying, hence the name. The reason for that is that if two Weeping Angels look at each other, they are locked permanently in space, until they are moved apart by another force.

Another thing about this epic show, the Doctor is of course from Gallifrey, the planet of the time lords, and they have a special language that looks really cool. (Or the imagined version made by a fan does, at least.) This is a sample, I hope it's correct, saying, "My name is Jared."
Photo courtesy of me :D
Enough Doctor Who information (Is that possible?), now it’s time for you to go watch it. If you do, post in the comments what you thought about it. Even if you don’t like it. But know that I will be confused as to how… See you next time!


  1. I'm kind of scared to watch it because I don't have the time to be obsessed with with it. ;)

  2. An image of an angel becomes an angel! You have doomed the human race!
