Friday, November 15, 2013


Today I decided to make Rice Krispie Treats, although a certain type that I love more than any other. Crunchy Fudge Sandwiches, as my mom calls them, but I like to call them PBBSCRK’s, or Peanut Butter Butterscotch Chocolate Rice Krispies. They’re like normal treats, but instead of marshmallows, they have butterscotch and peanut butter, and they have a layer of chocolate in the middle.

Sounds delicious, right?

Well, I have a sister who is allergic to peanuts (Reese’s are her favorite candies :( ). Because of this, I can’t make these normally anymore (At least until she moves away… :) ). That means that my mother is making me substitute more butterscotch for the peanut butter. That is why, if you actually make this, your finished product might not look the same as mine.

All of the ingredients. Image from Yours truly.
The Rice Krispie ingredients:
Six ounces of butterscotch morsels (I used twelve ounces for the No-PB PBBSCRK’s)
One half cup of peanut butter (Once again, No-PB PBBSCRK’s)
Four cups of Rice Krispies

Instructions for making this part? Slowly melt the butterscotch morsels (I love the word morsels) together with the peanut butter in a sauce pan over low heat, stirring constantly. I recommend a large pan, as it will help later. Don’t add the Rice Krispies yet!

A small anecdote: I was carefully pouring the butterscotch morsels into the cup, when, conveniently, my pizza timer went off. Chaos ensued, as it proceeded to scare my dog, who jumped, hit my legs, and made me spill the morsels. I then hurried to pour the butterscotch into the pan, and rescue the fallen before they became prey to my dog. I also took my pizza out before it burned. However, returning to my pan of witch-morsels (Get it? Because they’re melting? No?) I found that they were… well… burning. Unmercifully. I attempted to stir it around… it didn’t work. That meant I needed to start over! Yay… After getting it right the second time, I was able to proceed with the recipe.

After you have created a melted Peanut Butterscotch mixture, you can remove the pan from the heat, and add the Rice Krispies. Stir that. It helps to have a bigger pan for this part, as mentioned before. Then take half of that and press it into an 8 x 8 x 2 pan. Remember last time? You might want to spray this with some non-stick spray. Now put that in the fridge.

It’s time to make the fudge thingy! Ingredients:
Six ounces of chocolate morsels
One half cup of sifted confectioner’s sugar (AKA Powdered Sugar)
One tablespoon of water
Two tablespoons of soft butter or margarine

For this part, use a double boiler to melt the ingredients. A double boiler is the little thing that has a pot and a smaller bowl that you put inside of it. Ingredients go in the small bowl, and water goes in the pot. The steam heats the ingredients.

Once you have the fudge, remove your pan from the fridge, and spread the fudge over it. Then you can gently press the remaining half of the Rice Krispie over it. Now chill it. Done! That wasn’t too hard or long was it?

An update on the No PB PBBSCRK: I was able to make them, and they tasted fine… HOWEVER! They were extremely crumbly, for the peanut butter was a lot of what held them together. That also meant that it was much harder to put it into the pan in the first place, but it wasn’t too hard. I would still make it with peanut butter though.

Ain't lookin' too beautiful but tastes divine... Image courtesy of moi.
Just so you know, I started this blog post about two weeks ago, added a few words, and then deleted them. I then restarted a week ago, and am just finishing it now… See you next time!

P.S. - I've gotten a new hobby, coding! I'm a nerd right? If any of you are interested, you can visit Codecademy and try it out!


  1. Ooh I really need to get back into to coding. What are you learning right now? It's so cool that you started - I love it :) THIS is why you should have come to Programming club after was so boring without you!

  2. I'm really liking your food posts! I think that they are awesome! You give step by step instructions and personal advice. Keep it up. I love your mix between the two sides: people who want to make the recipe, and people who want to hear what happened to you/your opinions.

  3. I liked the voice you used in your blog; it made it more identifiable with and more enjoyable to read. The instructions were very clear along with what ingredients were to be used. I also liked how you specified when not to and when to add the Rice Krispies, so the baker wasn't confused. Lastly, the pictures you used were simple, but captured the essence of your post! Great Job!
