Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pokoto and some other stuff...

In the last few weeks, I have found some of my favorite apps ever on the iPad mini.

I found the most amazing game ever. It’s a free game on the App Store, and it is the simplest but most addictive game I have ever played. The “story” behind the game is that there is a poking god named Pokoto, and he needs you to poke the evil eyes. In simpler terms, it’s like memory mixed with Whack-a-Mole. A few eyes show up on the grid and vanish after a few seconds. After they disappear you click where they were. Simple right? BUT SO FUN! In my opinion, at least. My current high score is 65 million points on round 58. 
Image courtesy of Apple.
Another one of my other favorite apps is Badland. Also very simple, it has one button, the entire touchscreen. You control a weird looking creature by piloting it through a dangerous world filled with rocks, bombs, saws, and cannons. You can get power-ups that clone you, slow you down, speed you up, slow down time, speed up time, make you bouncy, make you sticky, yada, yada, and yada. It has a fair amount of puzzles as well, making it even more fun. However, this app is $3.99, so it’s quite expensive.
Image courtesy of Wired.com.
Finally, a really-weird-not-really-a-game-but-you-can-still-play-a-game-with-it free app is Say Yes. This is, by far, the simplest game, considering it’s not really a game. It’s an app where you speak into the microphone, and after that you can speed it up, slow it down, and turn in backwards. There are probably a ton of voice-changing apps out there, and many of them are probably better than this, but this one’s free and perfectly fine, so yeah… The game part of Say Yes is this. Think of a word or phrase, DON’T SAY IT YET! Ponder over what it would be backwards. Then say what you think it would be backwards, flip it around, and listen to it. If it sounds like the original word or phrase, you did good, if not… well… you didn’t do good. Try saying “Low sew wee noff kitsyah eef loo yah.”

Image courtesy of Apple.
Have you ever played any of these games? Will you?

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