Friday, February 14, 2014

Sass Queens and Party Themes

Get ready for more randomness. YouTube and parties inbound.

This is just one little review of two YouTube vlogging channels. This is the sassy Tyler Oakley, of course. I recommend his videos to you, but know that he is quite inappropriate, so you might not want to watch him in school, and you could always use headphones if you are around some people that might not… appreciate that. :D He basically just… you know… vlogs. Releasing videos of his life, Q&A’s, tags, etcetera. One of his friends, Troye Sivan, is also a vlogger, though he is from Australia, while Tyler is from California. He does most of the same stuff as Tyler, they even make videos together sometimes. #Troyler :D If you understand that, you are awesome. (I would assume many people would get that… so…)
Tyler’s on the right, with the silver hair. Troye’s the left. Image courtesy of YouTube.
The other theme, quite random, is party themes! I had no reason to write about these other than that my birthday is in a few (6-7) weeks and… well… I haven’t had a birthday party since I was in kindergarten, and that was the only one I’ve ever had in my life. Not that I’m complaining, I don’t really want a huge party. Although, for my kindergarten party we did go bowling, and it was pretty awesome.

Anyways, I was thinking about parties, and then weird themes. Now, there are themes that range from simple Christmas colors or Halloween costumes to… hobo parties. Yes, hobo parties. Not that the homeless are bad, I find them to be nice, and I wish they were able to live happier lives, but I mean, a party where you dress up as them? And letter parties, famous couple parties, YouTube sensation parties, animal parties (What Does the Fox Say, anyone?), etcetra. And those ones aren’t even weird.

Animal party? I’m in. Image courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Troyler, apparently it's a real thing now!
