Thursday, February 6, 2014

Architecture. Just Architecture.

I didn’t really know what to write about this week, so I chose one of my interests. Architecture! Because it’s, you know, awesome, right? No? Just me? A few others? Okay…

Anyways, I really like architecture because it can show differences in culture through how they build. If they have statues of gods or heroes or just any old famous person it can show that they might worship them. Take Greece, for example. In ancient Greece they built temples for their gods. Their lives also rotated a lot around the gods. In ancient China they could have shrines to their deities or temples way up in the mountains.

I especially like old architecture, like castles and pagodas. Modern architecture is fairly boring. Yeah, it can be neat, but compared to historical architecture it’s plain. An example of this is that I absolutely love Chinese, Japanese, or really any oriental architecture. However, I don’t like the skyscrapers with the massive neon signs on them, that reach up into the skyline. I like the pagodas and small shrines and temples. 
Isn’t that interesting? Image courtesy of Wikipedia.
This is my new wallpaper… Image courtesy of
When I took a trip to Switzerland over the summer, we saw tons of castles, and it was amazing to see the big halls and bedrooms, dungeons and storerooms. Sometimes it would feel like you were back there in the day when it was really inhabited. 

This was one of the castles we visited in Switzerland, Château de Chillon. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.
I also like Victorian, Gothic, and Queen Anne styled architecture. It’s interesting with the different spires, interesting windows, and the overall detail in the building itself.

Look at that detail… Image courtesy of Wikipedia.
What do you think about architecture?

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