Friday, April 4, 2014

Abomination of Discrimation

So, in English we’ve been focusing on civil rights for a while, and with civil rights comes discrimination.

I hate it. I don’t understand why the phrase “all men are created equal” isn’t accepted by so many people. Just because they look, act, talk, etc. differently, that doesn’t mean that they are worthy of bullying! I mean, you aren’t supposed to bully anyways, so why do some people think that it is okay to bully certain people?

There are many types of discrimination, but some of them are less noticeable nowadays. For example, racial discrimination used to be a massive part of life, and everybody would be doing it, mainly against colored people. Now, however, that type of discrimination is not public. Yes, some people and places are still somewhat discriminatory, but they aren’t open about it, and they can’t give them less opportunities or keep them from doing things non-colored people can do.

In this time, the most obvious target for discrimination is the LGBT community. They aren’t allowed to marry in most places, they are victims of just plain bullying in a lot of their younger years, and that’s not mentioning that in some places of the world they are killed, and even their associates are imprisoned.

It is so unfair to discriminate against people that are different than you, I don’t know what more has to be said.

Now that I’m done with my little rant, on a happier note, I got another ceramic piece back from my teacher. If you were wondering, the project was to make a gargoyle. I decided to go for somewhat of an eldritch feel, and what better way to do that than tentacles and massive eyes, or eye in the case of mine? I did originally want him to be purple, however my teacher had no matt purple glaze, so he had to be red instead. But he’s still cool, so it’s all good.

This is the rare beaked cyclops gorgon. I don’t have a real name for him yet.

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