Thursday, April 10, 2014

Unfair Proceedings

Going along the lines of last week's post, I'm writing about unfairness. Okay, well, I'm not very much. I just don't like how parents have so much control over you. And that's coming from someone who can do pretty much anything and get his parents' blessing. My mom just thinks that I hate doing everything, simply because I don't like going I the store, on walks, or to see movies.

For example, I am actually in the car right now while my mom drags me to Salt Lake City simply to get a frame made for her stained glass window. That's the only reason we are here, otherwise I would be at home doing something or another...

Some interesting things have happened to me recently. One such was yesterday, where I got to leave school at 8:30 to go with orchestra to regionals in Vernal. A multiple hour drive to stay there for maybe 4 hours, and then drive back. The results were that the Symphony Orchestra (that's me) didn't make it to state, but the Chamber Orchestra (the better ones) did. And I think our bands made it to state as well.

Also, today, I was throwing a pot on the wheel, and I wanted it to be a little vase that tilted its walls into itself. However, I ended up accidentally pulling it too far, and turning it into massive bowl that, too be quite honest, was pretty awesome.  But, after smoothing it out and fixing some odd problems here and there, it turned really thin and wet. It then drooped down a little bit (like they all do :P). Matt, who was on the wheel next to me (he's pretty skilled at the wheel by the way) then told me to just go with it and let it droop. I did, and added a few wavy parts to it in order to... add character. It didn't look too bad, but definitely not the best. Luckily I wasn't planning to keep anything unless it was amazing because, you know, spring break and all. It might've gotten really dry over the break, and been really hard to trim we when got back. So... that was kind of unfair too. Stupid gravity and droopiness.

We just got to the stained glass place, and there are so many cool things here.

Look at all the books...
...and glass...
...and finished pieces. I told my mom to make me one like the seahorses, but dragons. I doubt she will.
Well, next week is Spring Break, so I may or may not post. Maybe I'll be having fun with peoplez! Or not... probably not... most definitely not.

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