Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Myriad of Choices

Last week (I believe) we got our papers for registration. I’ve always liked registration because you can see all of these choices of classes that you want to take. I also like it because it hammers into your head the fact that in a few months, we will be finished with our current classes, and can get completely new interesting ones.

Now, looking at the list of classes, I see that there are a lot of them, but when you pay attention to the fact that some of them are the required courses (math, science, etc.) that shortens the list a tiny bit. Then you have to realize that you might only like a few of the myriad of choices, and that cuts a lot off of the list. When you finally notice the tiny asterisks next to some of them, meaning they have a prerequisite, that removes a few. Unfortunately those few might be ones that you really, really want to take, which is sad. Finally, the worst part is that you only have a set amount of elective credits per year. In tenth grade, we have 3 possible credits. That means anywhere from 3-6 classes out of that list will be ones that you actually take. Plus there’s the fact that if you are taking a language, that’s almost a required class, and it takes up one of your credits.

Of course, you can take some classes online, therefore freeing up more credits for electives, which a lot of people do.

As for me, my 3 elective choices-
• Ceramics II (full year/1 credit)
• Computer Programming 1A and 1B (both semester classes/.5 credit each)
• AP Spanish Language and Composition (full year/1 credit)

However, as mentioned above, I do want to take P.E. and Health online, and if I am able to and complete them, I then get that extra credit option. I really want to take Architectural Design I (Architecture and Ceramics, two past posts… Yeah, I wasn’t lying when I said I liked them) because I think that would be an interesting elective, even if people say how boring they think it would be.

(I type all of my posts on a Pages document and then copy them to Blogger, and just before the parenthesis prior to this comment, I reached 10,000, so that’s a milestone.)

What I want to know is what classes are required to graduate college as general courses. I want to know what classes I should take as AP if possible, but as far as I’ve seen, it varies for each college. And I have no idea what college I want to go to. Maybe the University of Utah. (My mom thinks that I told her I want to go to Oxford. I hadn’t the faintest what Oxford even was until I denied her accusations.)

In other topics, I got this little guy back from my Ceramics teacher earlier this week. He looked better before he was glazed, apart from the fact that he is a bit tilted from the weight of his upper body. Then when I was glazing him two of his tentacles broke off. When I attempted to glue them back on, the super glue had no effect, and then my art teacher swapped them when she glued them on, but that’s not too big a problem, he still stands. Then the glaze didn’t even work very well. This is why I don’t like glaze. It’s annoying. So verrrry verrrry annoying.

I don’t really have a name for him yet. Image courtesy of, well, me.

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