Friday, March 7, 2014

Like Playing With Mud? Ceramics is For You.

Like architecture a while ago, I felt like blogging about one of my interests. This would be ceramics. 

My mother is quite a lover of art. She started by going to the Kimball Art Center and taking a simple set of classes to learn how to do ceramics, and with that knowledge, she taught my siblings and I. Because of this, we learned how to do ceramics when I was only about 8 or 9, and I’ve loved it ever since. Now, when we were young we would always make banks. We would attach two pinch pots (basically just bowls, if you were wondering) together to make a hollow sphere. We could add little accessories, such as legs, hands, eyes, eyes, mouths, etcetera. My brother was really fond of these banks, and it shows. He made about 30 of them in his time, and they are all different types of monsters that he just made up. Some of them are owls or some other type of bird, but some have two heads or four arms.

Now in school when we can take electives, I’ve taken a few, and we’ve done at least one ceramic project in each art class, and now I’m in Ceramics, so obviously we do quite a few more projects based on clay. Here are a few of the projects I’ve done so far.

This is Pip. He’s a funny bone. I made this last year in Op & Pop Art. Courtesy of moi.

This is Lionus. He’s just a cat. This was made earlier this year in Art Foundations II. I didn't have a picture of him without a filter. Courtesy of Yours Truly.
I don’t really have a name for this one. It’s just an egg shaped frame with a bird’s nest on a branch inside of it. Must I continue with the courtesies?
Pip and Lionus were named by Sarah W, if you were wondering. Here’s her blog if you were wondering about that too.

If you ever have an extra elective, you should try out an art class. Especially Ceramics. Or just go out to the closest art center and take a class. Or just try it out on your own. Though I would advise at least some education first. See you next time!


  1. Aww thanks for the plug, man :) I wish I had an art class this year, but I got stuck with tech things I already know how to do...however, we did get called out to a fire drill the other week and some kids were making slip and they all had hardening clay on their hands while we had to evacuate, haha.

    You're really good at ceramics, though. Seriously. I love Pip and Lionus is awesome, too (but Pip will forever and always be my favorite :) ),

  2. thats super cool and funny and your talented might run away with itself cuz its overwelming and i like the cat.
