Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tumblrin' Down the Page

Today I decided to post about websites. Two of the main websites I thought of were Tumblr and Codecademy. Completely different, but it’s nice to have variety, right?

Tumblr is, well, an odd site to say the least. Sometimes you get these amazing quotes or funny pictures, that make you laugh out loud. Sometimes in the most serious of places. Even if you aren’t on Tumblr at the moment, the memories can still trigger a laugh-attack. It’s happened to me on multiple occasions, such as in Math, English, Biology, Spanish, and pretty much every other class; when you have a serious conversation with possibly important people; and when you are with your family at places like the dinner table, possibly at a restaurant, or in the car. Basically every time any inside joke would ever make you laugh when you hear a reference unknowingly being made to it.

Here’s a pretty funny thing I found on Tumblr. It reminds me of childhood. Even though I never had Sketchers. Photo courtesy of mhiilk on Tumblr.
Now, on Tumblr, there are many, many things. A lot of these can be nice and just plain awesome. Others are not so much. Some things are targeted to a mature audience, but that’s something that happens on the Internet.

Some people say to never go on Tumblr because it can get really addictive, and take over your life. Me? I only really go on Tumblr if I’m bored, but it’s really nice to do it then.

Codecademy is a completely different, educational site. It’s a nerdy little tool to learn coding. Not much to say about it, but, you know, it’s still a pretty awesome. I’m learning how to code Javascript at the moment.
Here’s a little snippet of Codecademy. Photo courtesy of Codecademy.
So, if you are ever bored, you might want to get on Tumblr or Codecademy to waste some time. But it might get like Flappy Bird and you might get addicted, so be warned. See you next time!


  1. I didn't know you did Codeacademy! Which format are you learning?

    1. JavaScript, but I've done a tiny bit of HTML.
