Friday, March 28, 2014

I haven't any study skills.

I am horrible at studying. As in, I don’t study. Ever. Or at least, I don’t study very much. Maybe 30 minutes average per week. The only time I actually spent a lot of time studying was in 6th grade when I took the ACT. And that was only because my mom and dad forced my sister to teach me all the higher maths lessons. She wasn’t too happy about it. But I got a 24, so I guess it was worth it.

Anyways, I study the night before tests for about 20 minutes. When it’s a vocab test, I learn the words and pretty much never look at them again. My English teacher told us one day, that if we were reading right before we go to bed, we don’t remember stuff very well. I always read before bed, and when some of us said that we do that and still get 100% or other high scores, he called us abnormal. :D

People say that to do well in college, we need to have really good study habits. My mom even said that she was studying 5 hours a day, and barely had time for anything else. I hope that either that isn’t true, or I’ll just have to get some better habits.

I agree. Image courtesy of (P.S. - That website article linked says that college students are studying less now than in the past, but getting better grades.)
The only topic I actually like to study is geography. The countries on a map kind, not AP Human Geography, I find that quite unappealing. In fact, whenever I’m bored in APHG I just do map quizzes. (I still pay attention to what my teacher’s saying, don’t worry.) But even those I still don’t study unless I’m bored.

The only reason that I don’t study very much, is because even without I still get 95% or above in most all of my classes. Unless I’m absent, which I was last week. Being absent the entire week prior to the week the quarter ends was not healthy for my GPA. Of course, I’m catching up, so most of my grade are back to normal. (My friend was surprised that I still had a 90% in math after having five zeros, is that really weird? They were just homework, no tests.)

So yeah, my studying habits include playing educational games and doing homework, basically.

(Oh, and listening to Spanish music, but rarely. Does that count? Right now I’m listening to Caraluna by Bacilos. It’s a really upbeat sounding song, but it’s talking about the singer’s wife that drowned while on their honeymoon. Sad. ;_;)

1 comment:

  1. Me too...a few if my friends here will just text me nonstop for some of the answers on our APHG packets just because they know I do really well on the tests and it's gotten really annoying. But I really don't like studying either...I mean, I know how to do it, but after I do two to three hours of homework per night, I don't want to sit down on the couch and review for two more hours when I do fine on the tests anyways. Yuck!
