Friday, September 27, 2013

Randomness v2 - Billy Blanco's

So, I started this post, and posted it, as one big post with Randomness v1, but it was very long, so this is the second part. This is a review I decided to do while the taste was fresh in my mind. It’s about a fairly new restaurant (A few months old is still new to a fourteen year-old like me) some people may not have been to. It’s at the bottom of the Pinebrook neighborhood, and it is called Billy Blanco’s. If anyone has heard of New York Pizza Delicatessen, cleverly NYPD for short, yeah that went out of business, and now it’s Billy Blanco’s.

Photo Courtesy of this site.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Not-So-Poppy-Seed-Cake

So, hopefully this post will be shorter than all the others, but knowing my history, it won’t be... I am actually writing this as my cake is cooking. See what I did there? Goose is cooking, cake is cooking? I’m not in trouble, but I still think I’m clever… No? Okay, fine.

Well, as you can probably guesstimate. (← That is a word in the Apple dictionary.) I decided to bake a cake today. The story was, I was just sitting on my couch being bored, so I decided that I would bake something. My sister was really wanting me to bake a poppy seed cake before she left for work, so I decided to comply. Well, after a few minutes of sitting, just to spite her.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Randomness v1 - What IS He Doing?

So, you probably don’t know this, but I am actually writing this blog post right after I wrote my first blog post, which was the day after I wrote my second. Confused? Second Post (Beautiful Creatures) = Wednesday, September 18, 2013. First Blog Post (The Beginning) = Thursday, September 19, 2013 about 3 or 4 o’clock. Third Blog Post (This One) = Thursday, September 19, 2013, a few hours later.

This post is my first non-media post. (Not a big achievement, it is only my third post.) Also, it isn’t really a post. I plan on being short, and it’s pretty much just about a few random things, hence it being deemed, Randomness.

Firstly, my dog. There is one fact you should know about my dog. He’s insane. (Sometimes) He’s also cute, but I think that’s obvious. We are talking about dogs. If you are a good friend of mine, you may have heard me talking about my dog before. Most said sentence of mine? “He tap dances.” He doesn’t do normal tap dancing with the shoes and rhythm and everything, but it sounds like he does. Here’s a small video of him, although when I think about it, it probably won't work.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Beautiful Creatures

So last week, or well, this week, considering that I am writing this on Wednesday of last week if I post it the second blog week... Oh whatever. On September 18, 2013, I watched a movie that I had never seen before. This was Beautiful Creatures, released this year, directed by Richard LaGravenese, based on the novel by Kami Garcia, starring Alice Englert, Alden Ehrenreich, Jeremy Irons, etc. I am a major fan of fantasy, if no one knew that by now, I'm basically obsessed with things like magic, elves, dragons, dwarves, and any other mythical, magical, fantas...ical thing out there. Well, this movie was a bit different. I did like it, though some parts weren't my favorite, and I don't want to spoil anything for you if you haven't seen it yet. So you might want to be a bit careful below.

Picture courtesy of IMDb

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Beginning

This is my first post on this blog, and I guess I have to write about other blogs... so...

Some other blogs that I found, and weren't blocked on these computers are: Your Amazing Places, Fantasy Book Cafe, and Vero You Going.