Saturday, September 21, 2013

Beautiful Creatures

So last week, or well, this week, considering that I am writing this on Wednesday of last week if I post it the second blog week... Oh whatever. On September 18, 2013, I watched a movie that I had never seen before. This was Beautiful Creatures, released this year, directed by Richard LaGravenese, based on the novel by Kami Garcia, starring Alice Englert, Alden Ehrenreich, Jeremy Irons, etc. I am a major fan of fantasy, if no one knew that by now, I'm basically obsessed with things like magic, elves, dragons, dwarves, and any other mythical, magical, fantas...ical thing out there. Well, this movie was a bit different. I did like it, though some parts weren't my favorite, and I don't want to spoil anything for you if you haven't seen it yet. So you might want to be a bit careful below.

Picture courtesy of IMDb

By the way, a bit of shameful advertising, if you haven't seen Beautiful Creatures yet, it is really easy to just get it on Netflix, that's what we did. If you are a big fan of movies or any type of filmography, I would suggest Netflix, because it is really easy to instantly watch lots of television, or to get a movie in the post. (However I am the type of person to see an interesting TV show, watch one episode, fall in love with it, and not leave my room for a few days, just to watch all the other episodes. Then I might never watch it again. Just a warning...)

Photo Courtesy of

Back to the point, I am actually not just a fan of fantasy, but I am the type of person that also thinks that romance spices things up and adds a bit of interesting story to movies, TV shows, books, whatever. However, I don't like the Hollywood romances where they see each other once and instantly fall in love. When does that happen if real life? Usually you are friends with that special someone for a while before you "fall head over heels for them", and here we have (A bit of possible spoilers!) Ethan saying that their love is so strong that no evil witch will ever come between them. Oh, please, you've known Lena for a few weeks... or months... that still doesn't seem normal. Am I the only one that thinks that? So yeah, if you haven't noticed, I did think that the romance was a bit stereotypical Hollywood, but I guess it still made the movie a bit more interesting. (I still want more dragons and elves though...)

My rating for this movie might be a 5 to a 7 out of 10. I like the overall story, and how it relates to past events. (The Battle of Honey Hill was real.) That was interesting. However, in my opinion, it could have been more detailed, had a bit more on the romance side, and really, some parts were just plain confusing. I would recommend this movie if you are a fan of that genre though. Mainly romance, with a dabble of otherworldly powers. (Twilight fans, you may like this.)

If someone is reading this, and you have any movies that you think that I should watch, tell me in the comments below and I will do my best to watch them. See you next time! (Again, YouTube!)

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