Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Beginning

This is my first post on this blog, and I guess I have to write about other blogs... so...

Some other blogs that I found, and weren't blocked on these computers are: Your Amazing Places, Fantasy Book Cafe, and Vero You Going.

Your Amazing Places is a blog that has all sorts of things to do with nature and travel. I really like that this blog has the idea down that if you are posting about pictures, you don't need a lot of words. This was the first blog of pictures actually unblocked that I found. I instantly came to a certain post* and I really liked that it had basically no words. Just a list of 30 awesome nature pictures with titles and credit. You don't need paragraphs to explain pictures unless they have some sort of puzzle or hidden thing within them. I also obviously liked the pictures. I wanted one of them as my background on this blog, but sadly it was far too big. Stupid maximum size limit...

The next blog I found was Fantasy Book Cafe about fantasy books, two of my literal favorite things. I have always loved to read, fantasy books more than anything else. If a book doesn't have any magic, mythical creatures, or some other otherworldly thing, chances are I won't look twice at it. Killer Angels and now The Book Thief is a bit of torture from my English teacher... I kind of like The Book Thief, but The Killer Angels... to be frank, I disliked it... with a passion... a burning, scorching passion. Finally I just decided to get it over and done with. Bang! Done! Never have to look at it again. Anyways, back to Fantasy Book Cafe. I really like this blog. It's simple, just one person (AFAIK**) giving reviews about fantasy books. What could be bad? With the topic of the blog aside, I also really like the voice that she (the author) talks in. She doesn't hesitate to give her opinion, and it feels like you can really hear her talking, instead of just reading boring reviews off an article. Admit it, if you are looking at a review for a movie, book, or even restaurant, you would rather have it with voice and opinion then hard facts. Maybe some facts, just disguised as opinions. It's the way of writing and reading.

Next up, is my friend's blog. I was looking at this one first, as I already knew of it and that it wasn't blocked, but I thought that would be a bit weird and maybe seen as me taking a shortcut talking about a friend's blog. The truth is, after searching for a looooonnnnnggggg time, I still couldn't find any good blogs in my interest area that were unblocked. Why do you have to block websites for being photography tech people? 

So, the title of this blog is Vero You Going, and it's written by Sarah (No last name, she can tell you if she wants). It's a simple blog, more like an actual journal than about a specific topic (Too bad I don't live an exciting life, or I could do that too...), but don't underestimate. I for one really like it. This blog is basically just my friend talking about her life after she moved to Florida (Don't stalk her. It's not nice.).

For reasons why I like it, I will start with this. I really like how she writes. As above with Fantasy Book Cafe, she really uses good voice to make it sound like she is actually talking to you, not just writing. It also helps that since it is a blog about her, not about other topics, it is much more interesting than one of a specific topic. Also, she uses white space (Go Comp Tech vocab!) to space out her text, as well as using pictures to break it up even more. Combined with the voice, it seems like you go through that reading much easier than other written works. (I'm talking to you, Killer Angels.)

So, if you have any ideas regarding anything: movies, pictures, books (I might not read it if it's not fantasy.), the blog as a whole, or anything else, just say so in the comments and I will try to see them. See you next time! (Wow, that sounded like I'm doing a video on YouTube...)

*That post I went to was
*By A.F.A.I.K. I mean as far as I know.

1 comment:

  1. Go Sarah's blog! ;) I remember Comp Tech... That was such a fun class! ;)
