Friday, June 27, 2014

Absocookielicious Ambrosia/Nectar

Hayo! So, I was a bit bored 20 minutes ago, and craving something sweet, so I decided to make cookies! Or rather, ignore the baking step and chow down on the dough. As I was on my final step, the mixing, I was reading some of my friends' blogs, and decided to write a little short something.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

On Dreams and Their Adventures

Dreams are amazing. They’re wonderful. They are every magical or awesome word you can think of, all combined into a single thing. Now, I understand that not all dreams are wonderful (I’m looking at you, nightmares…), but most dreams are. At least, most of the dreams I can remember. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What Have I Created?

Today, I decided to be reminiscent of my elementary school life. One main thing is Switcheroo Zoo. A fun little online program, Switcheroo Zoo allows you to take animals and mix them with other ones. So… you can take a dog and give it a cheetah head. It has loads of animals, and it even tells you some information about them.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Some stuff has happened.

Hey y’all! So… some stuff has happened. Not very interesting stuff, mind you, but stuff nonetheless.

#1 - I saw Divergent. 4 days after it came out. And I still haven’t written about it.
#2 - My sister moved out yesterday.
#3 - I did some clay…
#4 - The ten year anniversary of Mean Girls.
#5 - I saw the first episode of Supernatural.

Friday, April 25, 2014

I'm not anti-social, I'm anti-people...

I see alot (What noise does an alot make? Gargleplargle? Other Hyperbole and a Half people, fill me in.) of other bloggers talking about how awkward they are, or other stuff along those lines. Here’s my situation.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Unfair Proceedings

Going along the lines of last week's post, I'm writing about unfairness. Okay, well, I'm not very much. I just don't like how parents have so much control over you. And that's coming from someone who can do pretty much anything and get his parents' blessing. My mom just thinks that I hate doing everything, simply because I don't like going I the store, on walks, or to see movies.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Abomination of Discrimation

So, in English we’ve been focusing on civil rights for a while, and with civil rights comes discrimination.